Image: Spring!


May 21, 20242 min read

There’s just something powerful and restorative about spring, isn’t there? We want to get outside, enjoy the sunshine and the flowers, and – let’s admit it – maybe feel good about how we look when we are out right?

For some people, it’s hard to feel confident, though. And this year – after the pandemic and the horrible winter weather – it might be worse than usual.

Not to worry! Here are 6 easy springtime tips or better health and confidence.

Set a date for a race or similar event. During the pandemic, most community 5Ks and such have been cancelled. But virtual races are still happening. You can sign up online and complete the course at a time you choose.

Schedule workouts on your calendar. That way, you’ll remind yourself – and be less likely to blow it off. Everything feel more official when it’s on your calendar, right?

Limit social media. Nothing makes me feel less confident than scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. Plus, if you stop looking at your phone right before bed, you’ll sleep better – which gives you mental and physical super-powers including confidence and better health.

Work out with a friend. Go to the gym together, if that’s an option, or schedule runs and walks outdoors. You and your pal will keep each other accountable, and friendships are powerful tonics against the stress we're all under.

Have fun. Maximize the season’s positive vibes by doing something you actually enjoy – especially if you’ve been locked away all winter or doing something you didn’t even like. Studies prove we’re more likely to stick with exercise when it’s fun.

Lay off the junk food and liquor. OK, this is always good advice, but especially now when you want all the big assists you can get. Have some fruit and a glass of water instead. You’ll feel better and it’ll help you look better than eating chips and drinking another glass of wine.

Let me know which of these you’re going to try and if you have other ideas!


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